A special thanks to Dice Hate Me Games

I wanted to thank Dice Hate Me Games not only for a shout out on their latest podcast but also for their generous donation to the 24 Hour BG Marathon.

They have donated 2 future copies of their new game Carnival plus the first expansion (The Sideshow), along with 1 copy of Alien Frontiers.

If you have not seen the listing for Carnival, please check it out now HERE on Kickstarter. It  looks to be a great game and I myself have already backed this project. There are some great reward levels for backing so go and help them out and get your pre-order for the game today! You only have roughly 18 hours left to take advantage of their rewards!

Also we are REAL excited that Monkey from Dice Hate Me should be in attendance for some of the Board Game Marathon as well!

Please check out their site and if you have time their Kickstarter too!

Another Thank You to 2 more podcasts for the mention of our event!

A big THANKS a ton to two more great podcasts who mentioned our charity event on the air in the past week or so.

First thanks to Tom and Eric over at The Dice Tower for mentioning us during episode 224. You can find their episode here. It has always been one of my favorite podcasts on the web.

Also throwing us a mention was The What Would Patton Do podcast. A huge thanks to Steven and the guys over there for helping us get the word out. I am not much of a mini’s gamer anymore but I would love to have any of them come on down and participate in the event and try and convert me to the side of being a miniatures gamer! Check them out HERE and check out their show, it’s a great show to listen to even if you are not a mini’s gamer.

As always if you would like information on donating games or items to the event please e-mail me directly geekjockblog [at] yahoo [dot] com. Or if you would like to make a monetary donation to the charity please check out our firstgiving donation page.

Thanks again guys!



A Big Thank You! To the Pulp Gamer Crew and Podcast.

I wanted to take a min to thank the guys over at PulpGamer.com for giving us a big shout out on the Out of Character Podcast. It has always been (and remains) one of my favorite podcast to listen to. They give great insights to the world of gaming from table top to some role playing and also talk about various things in the world of gaming including owning/managing their stores.

I know they are far away but you guys have an open invite to the 24 Hour Board Game Marathon from us here at Gamers for Cures! Of course as do any and all listeners and gamers come on down in the afternoon of Nov. 12th and help support us on our quest to play board games for 24 hours. And more importantly help support the charity we are playing for The Turner Syndrome Society of the US.

If you would like to donate a new game for the charity raffles/door prizes please contact me at Geekjockblog[at] yahoo[dot]com. Or if you would like to make a monetary donation to support the cause please help us meet our goal at our Gamers for Cures 24 Hour Board Game Marathon site at Firstgiving.

Keep checking out this site for more info about the big day, the publishers have been more then generous getting copies of games to us but we are always looking for more! If you have any questions on how you can help or just about the event PLEASE contact me!


24-hour Board Game-a-thon set for Saturday November 12th

I am very pleased to announce that our first of our two annual charity events is set.

In conjuction with The Gamer’s Armory in Cary North Carolina we will be holding our first annual Gamers For Cures 24 hour Board Game-A-Thon on Saturday Nov 12th starting at 8am. All proceeds for this event will go to the Turner Syndrome Society.

We are planning to have some great items for raffle, as well as hopefully some good things up for silent auction and some door prizes for playing along during the day as well. We have some other events in the planning stages for during the daytime hours such as a possible tournament or two so stay tuned for more info as it gets finalized.

We should also have donate buttons available here soon, but they are already up on the official TurnerSyndrome.org for donations.

We also have a second option to use for donations at Firstgiving. Click that link and it will bring you to our page on there for donating.

If you are a game publisher or someone who would like to donate new games for raffle,play, and/or give away at our event please contact me at geekjockblog[at]yahoo[dot]com

Thanks for your interest and as always any questions please send them to me as well.

–Gamers For Cures