4th Annual 24 hour marathon is in the books. I cannot thank everyone enough!

I will be posting my yearly wrap up sometime later in the month when I wrangle some pictures but I wanted to report how amazing the event turned out and thank a few people.

With the semi-official numbers in, it looks like our 4th annual Gamers For Cures 24 hour board game marathon to benefit Turner Syndrome Society of The US raised just over $17,000!!!

An amazing event and an amazing turn out.

Hard work sure pays off, and I am so thankful to our sponsors/game publishers and players for an amazing turnout.

I want to thank Adam Skelding for basically being my right hand man throughout all of this year’s planning and for doing an amazing job on all the printed material, the printouts and all things graphical! Thanks buddy!

Thanks to Laura Drew for being an amazing social media Guru!

Thanks as always to Scott and Crystal from the Gamers Armory for hosting and allowing us to have our event at their amazing store each year.

Thanks to CEI for donating the programs. They are simply amazing!

Thanks to Gary Delorenzo for donating our shirts and all the amazing support for our event!

Thanks to all the great ladies of the Turner Syndrome Society of the US for joining us and  volunteering at our event and helping us spread awareness!

Thanks so much to everyone who donated and play and came out to support us.We cannot do this without your support and the fact that all of you out there take the time to join us, donate, or spread the word about our amazing event!

See you next year!!!


PS– I will be posting all the winners of all the items from the raffle wall to the big raffle winners in the coming days!

Thanks to all who have donated and sponsored!

As more an more donations and sponsorships come in I wanted to take the opportunity to thank a few of them. A list ( and logos) to all of our great board game sponsors will be up real soon.

Special thanks to the Carolina Hurricanes, Dr. Jodi H. Foy, UNC and NC State athletics for donating items to our silent auctions.

I would like to also thank Ilene Stacey of Origami Owl for her donations of two gift certificates for our prizes to the event as well.

Also thanks to Cinnabon, Chick Fil- A, Mimi’s Cafe, Jersey Mikes, Dairy Queen,  McDonalds, and Craft Public House, all for sponsoring food for our marathon players!

This weekend will be a truly exciting event with plenty of ways for people to win some exciting prizes.

If you cannot attend in person and would like to donate to the event go to our Tax Free Donation Page.

OR if you would like to buy some raffles for games or to win one of our big ticket items (TV/ XBOXONE/ iPad Mini/ 100$ Visa/ $50 Home Depot Gift Cert) go to the Gamers amory online store HERE

Unpub 5 Designer table contest!

Unpub logo

A quick announcement about a great contest to help raise some money for Gamers For Cures/ Turner Syndrome Society of the US.

Darrell Louder, game designer extraordinaire and head honcho over at Unpub.net has graciously given us an AMAZING gift.

We will be Raffling off a DESIGNER TABLE FOR UNPUB 5!! This is the real deal folks. If you are a budding game designer this is the best place on the planet to show off your prototype, get it tested by amazing game testers, and get tons of great feedback. Some feedback even by the likes of publishers and fellow designers.

How to enter: Simply go to our First Giving donation site by clicking HERE. For every $10 donated you will have one entry into the drawing. Just simply put UNPUB in the comments field when you sign up. Also all donations are Tax Deductible, and you can print out a tax receipt right when you donate.

Any Q’s please post in the comments to this announcement and good luck!



2014 Gamers For Cures 24 hour Marathon Registration sheet is here!

It’s time to sign up to be a marathon player!!

If you would like to join us to be a Marathon player, and play all 24 hours of the event. Please print out this form and bring it to the Gamers Armory in Cary NC , or e-mail it to gamersforcures [At] gmail Dot com.


To be a marathon player you must either raise $100 in pledges on our first giving site (Please have all pledges insert your name in the “notes” field when they donate– All donations are tax free and receipts can be printed right when they donate!), or you can pay the $100 donation on the First giving site yourself, or you may also pay in person at the Gamers Armory.

Marathon players will receive:

FREE T-Shirt
5 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets
Game Day Grab Bag w/ assorted freebies!(subject to donations received from sponsors)
FREE Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!
**This Package is limited as we will only allow
a maximum number of Marathon Players!!

Day of the event people who join us to play games may also help out by purchasing the following packages as well!

Package #1 is a $30.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
5 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets
1 FREE Big Ticket Raffle Ticket

Package #2 is a $50.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
5 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets
Late Night Game Pass
**This Package is limited as we will only allow
a maximum number of Players for the overnight Event!!

Any questions feel free to email me at the address above or please feel free to tweet them to me @gamersforcures


2014– 4th Annual 24 hour BG Marathon to Benefit Turner Syndrome Society of the US Info is here!

Hey Everyone! As planning for this year’s event is in full swing I would love to announce that… The Date for this year is Nov 8th 2014!

It will once again be held at the Gamers Armory in Cary NC. Signup info will be coming in the next week or so as well.

We will be having some events during the day and plenty of raffles and give-aways as always so stay tuned for those pictures!

In the meantime please join us in a little fun. We have been doing the #Diceinthemouthchallenge to help us start raising money.

Take a picture, tweet it out, challenge some others and make a donation! Every Penny helps!!! PLEASE 18+ ONLY we don’t want kids putting dice in their mouths!

To Donate this year, here is the First Giving Donation Link!

More soon!


3rd Annual Gamers For Cures 24 Hour Board Game Marathon for Turner Syndrome Society of US Recap

The 3rd Annual Gamers for Cures 24 hour board game marathon to benefit Turner Syndrome Society of the US came and went in a flash! What was 6 months of planning, begging, advertising, volunteering, networking, and organizing all culminated to an absolutely amazing event on Nov 9th 2013. I absolutely couldn’t have been happier with both the resuts and the turnout as we had right around 40 marathon players and around 10 more who were overnight players. The foot traffic for the day was in the multiple hundreds easily, as no table was empty at all during the day. All that culminated in us shattering our fund raising goal. When the games stopped and the meeples were all put away, we tabulated the numbers and we raised $13,500 for TSSUS!  I nearly fainted at that number and I will not lie it did bring a tear to many who were in attendance.

During the day we have a ton of events which go on including demos of games and painting/modeling, but we also had door prize raffles every 3 hours, in which anyone who was in the store had a chance to win one of a bunch of prizes we put out for each one. We of course also had the $1 raffles which could be bought and placed in one of 100 boxes to win the corresponding game/lot of games, and finally we had the big ticket raffles for $5 which we had a bunch of great prizes including an iPad and TV!

IMG_5840IMG_5843 IMG_5842

Here’s a little re-cap of the day through my eyes.  (And I will do my best not to forget the games I got to play and what Lauren and DJ got to do through the day as well.

The event started as always, bright and early on Sat. , at 8am, with a bunch of great sandwiches donated by Chick Fil-A and some other tasty treats donated by Cinnabon as well. I didn’t get to do a whole lot of gaming in the morning time, between giving out the swag bags, making sure everyone had enough food for breakfast and just generally going over the day’s events and set up one last time with Crystal and Scott (The amazing store owners of The Gamers Armory who help make all of this possible with their amazing hospitality and help. Late in the morning Lauren got to play in a game of Ticket to Ride that I taught to a full group, and as always she had an absolute blast. She’s such an up and coming gamer. The TS often makes it harder for her to grasp some advanced visual and/or spatial concepts but she tries real hard and does an amazing job playing games.

After that game wrapped up Lauren wanted to try her hand at one of the demos going on for the day. We always have a ton of demos each and every event ranging from painting, to mini’s games to euro games to card games. This particular one was Wargames Factory’s Jim Goss leading a co-op zombie mini’s game for up to 8 people. It was a take on their Zombie Vixen’s line, in which up to 8 of us had to get from one side of the board to the other, all the while fighting hungry zombies lead by super model/vixen zombies which drew in hoards of male zombies to their side when they appeared on the map. What started as simply Lauren and myself commanding 8 survivors, quickly became 8-10 of us surrounding the table cheering and laughing at the game. It was an infectious fun that more and more people just wanted to be a part of.  I was real proud of Lauren for trying out new things and getting into some mini’s gaming. Thanks to Jim for the well done demo!

Shortly after the zombie invasion was over Lauren and my son DJ headed over to the painting mini’s demo table. There we had some tanks and space marines, which were donated and Sandy H was helping people get started in learning the fun points of painting. She did an amazing job showing people, especially my kids as I couldn’t believe how good those models turned out!

While they were getting some painting going I got our lunch set up for the marathon players. Once again this year lunch was provided by Jersey Mike’s. They have been with us since the beginning of our events and they have never ceased to provide us with the best quality lunch and plenty of it! Thanks so much to such a great company for their help!IMG_5854

The afternoon was full of more demo goodness for me. I was able to demo one of my favorite games, the DC Comics Deck Building game. It’s a ton of fun for all ages, it’s easy to pick up, it’s quick and of course most importantly it’s got DC characters!!! All the participants loved it, and I of course, can never get enough of this great game. This card game theme continued on as next up was a 5 player game of Northstar Games’ Clubs. This light, family friendly, trick taking game is easily one of my favorites of this year and to no surprise was also a huge hit. While this was going on Lauren was getting into a game of Cinque Terre.

 IMG_5950This is a real fun little Ticket to Ride meets Finca sort of game. She loved it, but she didn’t quite grasp all the deeper strategies of getting the tickets completed and getting the higher points for delivering goods, but none the less she couldn’t stop talking about how much fun she had playing it!

Next up was a small demo of the immensely popular Augustus. What has been dubbed “Gamer Bingo” by many, is easily one of my favorite games, both for that gate way game and for filling that small gap of time at the end of a night. My family loves it too, as it’s not too heavy and plays in less than an hour. We had fun playing it of course at the event, and the best thing you can say after doing a demo of a game, is not only that the other players loved it, but they immediately went and picked up a copy the very next day!

Dinner wasn’t far behind all of this demo fun (see how fast the day went? AMAZING!), and the marathon players enjoyed the food donations by Primo Pizza, Craft Public house and some delicious cheeseburgers from McDonalds!

The evening brought in some real fun social gaming. I am not usually one for playing in Werewolf type games but as I always say, those games are better with the right groupings of players so since I knew we had a bunch of great people around the table it was the perfect time for some! First up was BANG! The dice game. This is a quick moving game of (mostly) hidden objectives and (mostly)backstabbing. Each player has a hidden  objective, outside of the sheriff, who just always wants the bad guys eliminated, and they are all trying to get their objective completed, all the while trying to convince the sheriff that they are his deputies. Dice are rolled shots are fired, beer is drunk (to heal health in the game) and Indians attack. It’s a quick pace game with tons of finger pointing and no trust anywhere and most importantly ABSOLUTELY FUN. We played it a few times during the marathon and I had a blast each time. This social game turned right into another social gamer favorite, The Resistance. We ended up picking up a couple of more players so The Resistance was a perfect choice to head into next. Many of us had never played the game before, but we all really got into it and I have to say I really enjoyed playing it. It’s not a game I would like to play with strangers, but one in which I can say would be real fun to play again with a bunch of my friends. Both times we played the Spies won, but hey I was a spy in the 1st game so it didn’t hurt quite as badly.IMG_5936

After all the social gaming goodness, it was nearly time to  lock the doors and let the marathoners and over-night players get to the 2nd portion of the day, which is the overnight gaming. It seems like it went so fast but we still have 8 hours more to game!!!

But first, it was time for the raffles to be drawn!! We had the 90 boxes of $1 raffles and the big ticket raffles. I ended up winning Battles of Westeros and my lovely daughter came away with Cheeky Monkey. (A complete list of winners can be found at the bottom of this post). This was also the first year in which we opened up the raffles (both $1 and $5) to online sales through the Gamers Armory web story. It also was a big success. We had a bunch of winners for the box raffles and one of the big ticket winners was also an online sale.

Overnight is generally where I get in the majority of my heavier games. In the past I got to play some gems like Castles of Burgundy and a playtest of The Princes of The Dragon Throne. This year was no different with our test of the prototype of the Dice Hate Me 2014 release Brew Crafters. It’s an amazing game where you run your own brewery! It’s quite akin to Agricola in nature but a little less constricting on your available actions. A REAL good game , that I cannot wait to see next year.

While the Brew Crafters game was going on Adam O headed out to his patented Cook Out runs, that he frequently does during local cons and the like. While he was gone I got to play an old Reiner Knizia card game called Poison. It’s a typical Knizia game with math and funky scoring, but it didn’t overstay it’s welcome and I have to admit I liked it.

Only two more games to talk about so please stay awake with me!!!

Next up was our Wits and Wagers Demo/Game. W&W is quite possibly one of the best party/trivia game out there today. It’s a game in which you don’t actually have to know anything at all in order to win. You put your guesses on a erase board, they get sorted and everyone bets on who the correct one actually is. So in essence you can know nothing, and get none of the Q’s correct ever and STILL win the game. Thanks to Northstar Games for providing us with some copies of the game for prizes.

Last but certainly not least is an overnight staple at events and cons like these, Tier auf Tier (also known as Animal upon Animal, the on the bridge version). There is no replacement for the mindless fun and laughter this game brings. It’s a HABA game and you might have to hit up Amazon for a copy, but it’s one I CANNOT recommend enough. It’s for any age of player and weather you are a hard core gamer or just a new player you will LOVE the laughing and trash talking that erupts from a game of this.

So that about wraps up the 3rd annual GFC charity event. I really cannot thank all the sponsors, publishers, designers, the community enough(A good list can be found at the Gamers Armory GFC page). And another big thanks to Crystal and Scott from the Gamers Armory and their sons Alexander and Hunter who also did an amazing job helping out. Thanks to Carol, Mike and Robert who worked at the store during the event. A big THANKS to Adam Skelding who handled all of the graphical design of the posters and programs and online pieces. And of course a big thanks to all the volunteers from The Turner Syndrome Society who helped us that day, and for being there talking about TSS and for being great fans of our charity group.


Lauren with 2 TSS members Courtney and Barbara

And naturally none of this could be possible without the best Wife in the world, Janice you are amazing, and two of the greatest kids a guy could ask for, Lauren and DJ.


And of course thanks to all of you out there for supporting us and spreading the word about our event, without you none of these funds could be raised at all.

Remember next time you see me at a con or gaming event, I might just ask you to donate or be a part of the Gamers For Cures family! I know most publishers have seen my smile and begging face, and they will real soon again!!!


(For another real good recap please check out Socially Inept Gamer)

Raffle Winners: Congratulations to our winners!!

Raffle Lot #1
Warhammer 40,000 Dark Vengeance
Donated By: Games Workshop
Winner: Adam Skelding

Raffle Lot #2
Venture Forth
Donated By: Minion Games
Winner: Ronald Watkins

Raffle Lot #3
Thunderstone: Thornwood Siege
Donated By: Travis Bryant
Winner: Cassandre Kowal

Raffle Lot #4
Donated By: AEG Games
Winner: Casey Silva

Raffle Lot #5
Twilight Struggle Deluxe
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Eric Behymer

Raffle Lot #6
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (+ Token & Minis)
Donated By: Fantasy Flight
Winner: Brin Mackey

Raffle Lot #7
Bundle: Operation Cobra & Beyond the Beachhead 2
Donated By: Bounding Fire Productions
Winner:  John Muje

Raffle Lot #8
Dungeon Roll
Donated By: Tasty Minstrel Games
Winner: Ginger Cherry

Raffle Lot #9
Mr. Jack
Donated By: Asmodee
Winner: Mike Mayer

Raffle Lot #10
Space Cadets Dice Duel (Signed by Designer)
Donated By: Stronghold Games
Winner: Timothy Edwards

Raffle Lot #11
Duel of Ages II
Donated By: Brett Murrell
Winner: Steven Brady

Raffle Lot #12
Panic on Wall Street
Donated By: ACD Distribution
Winner: John Pace

Raffle Lot #13
Legacy Expansion: Forbidden Machines
Donated By: Floodgate Games
Winner: Nicki Courson

Raffle Lot #14
Viva Java – The Coffee Game + Expansion
Donated By: Dice Hate Me
Winner: Burke Drew

Raffle Lot #15
Munchkin Deluxe
Donated By: Steve Jackson Games
Winner: Ronald Watkins

Raffle Lot #16
Dominant Species: The Card Game
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Timothy Edwards

Raffle Lot #18
Apocalypse Survivors “The Men”
Donated By: Wargames Factory
Winner: Butch Arthur

Raffle Lot #19
Donated By: Minion Games
Winner: Casey Silva

Raffle Lot #20
Lost Temple
Donated By: Stronghold Games
Winner: Tom Gurgarus

Raffle Lot #21
Battle of Westeros (with miniatures)
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory
Winner: Dan Patriss

Raffle Lot #22
The Great Heartland Hauling Co. + Expansion
Donated By: Dice Hate Me
Winner: Kerry McManus

Raffle Lot #23
Dreadball Deluxe (figures painted by TGA in Display)
Donated By: Mantic Games
Winner: Matt Parker

Raffle Lot #24
Go Fetch It!
Donated By: ACD Distribution
Winner: Cassandre Kowal

Raffle Lot #25
King Philip’s War
Donated By: Multi Man Publishing
Winner: Allison Mcwaters

Raffle Lot #26
Relic Runners
Donated By: Days of Wonder
Winner: Adam Reeves

Raffle Lot #27
Command & Colors Ancients: Greece vs. Eastern Kingdom
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Ronald Watkins

Raffle Lot #28
Citadel Paint Hobby Starter Set
Donated By: Games Workshop
Winner: Luann Hensel

Raffle Lot #29
Fleet (Kickstarter)
Donated By: Matt Riddle & Ben Pinchback
Winner: James Neely, Jr.

Raffle Lot #30
City of Remnants
Donated By: Plaid Hat Games
Winner: Jeremy Maciejewski

Raffle Lot #31
City of Iron
Donated By: Red Raven
Winner: Ronald Watkins

Raffle Lot #32
The New Science
Donated By: Conquistador Games
Winner: Wray Ferrell

Raffle Lot #33
Space Empires 4X
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory|
Winner: David Wingler

Raffle Lot #34
Donated By: ACD Distribution
Winner: Adam Reeves

Raffle Lot #35
Yoda Wooden Wall Art
Donated By: High Tech Treasures
Winner: Kelly Watkins

Raffle Lot #36
Chewbacca Wooden Wall Art
Donated By: High Tech Treasures
Winner: Crystal Blanton

Raffle Lot #37
Command & Colors Ancients
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Tony Chen

Raffle Lot #38
Pathfinder: The Inner Sea World Guide
Donated By: Paizo Publilshing
Winner: Mike Tavares

Raffle Lot #39
Compounded: Better Gaming Through Chemistry
Donated By: Dice Hate Me Games
Winner: Scott Blanton

Raffle Lot #40
Viticulture 2013
Donated By: Stonemaier Games
Winner: Lynn Dubar

Raffle Lot #41
MTG From the Vault: Realms
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory
Winner: Jacquline Coronilla

Raffle Lot #42
Star Wars Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
Donated By: Fantasy Flight
Winner: Robert Barker

Raffle Lot #43
France ‘40
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Mark Palmer

Raffle Lot #44
Ticket To Ride: the Heart of Africa
Donated By: Days of Wonder
Winner: Tracy Lankford

Raffle Lot #45
Time ‘N’ Space
Donated By: Stronghold Games
Winner: Steven Herr

Raffle Lot #46
Donated By: Quixotic Games
Winner: Dan Patriss

Raffle Lot #47
Ticket to Ride
Donated By: Alliance Game Distributors
Winner: Stephen Brady

Raffle Lot #48
Pathfinder Bundle: The Worldwound/Faith & Philosophies
Donated By: Paizo Publishing
Winner: Butch Arthur

Raffle Lot #49
Jungle Speed
Donated By: Asmodee
Winner: Chad Barker

Raffle Lot #50
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Donated By: Paizo Publishing
Winner: Chris Olsson

Raffle Lot #51
Donated By: AEG Games
Winner: Tracy Lankford

Raffle Lot #52
Navajo Wars
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Mike Hartshorn

Raffle Lot #53
Donated By: Stronghold Games
Winner: John Taylor

Raffle Lot #54
Donated By: Z-Man Games
Winner: Casey Silva

Raffle Lot #55
Pandemic: In the Lab Expansion
Donated By: Z-Man Games
Winner: Peter Soloninka

Raffle Lot #56
Pandemic: On the Brink Expansion
Donated By: Z-Man Games
Winner: Adam Yonce

Raffle Lot #57
D&D Magic Items Compedium
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory
Winner: April Gollar

Raffle Lot #58
Carnival + Expansion
Donated By: Dice Hate Me
Winner: James Neely, Jr.

Raffle Lot #59
Cuba Libre
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Matt Parker

Raffle Lot #60
Grave Business
Donated By: Minion Games
Winner: Wray Ferrell

Raffle Lot #61
The Supreme Commander
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner:  Andrew Henrick

Raffle Lot #62
Donated By: AEG Games
Winner: Vincent Reyes

Raffle Lot #63
1989: Dawn of Freedom
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner: Cassandre Kowal

Raffle Lot #64
MTG Return to Ravnica Guild Pack Bundle
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory
Winner: Shawn Purtell

Raffle Lot #65
Steampunk Jewelry (Necklace)
Donated By: Nenne’s Little Treasures
Winner:  Laura Drew

Raffle Lot #66
Steampunk Jewelry Set (Necklace & Bracelet)
Donated By: Nenne’s Little Treasures
Winner: Anna Naples

Raffle Lot #67
Advanced Squad Leader – Starter Kit #1
Donated By: Multi Man Publishing
Winner: Adam Reed

Raffle Lot #68
Advanced Squad Leader – Starter Kit #2
Donated By: Multi Man Publishing
Winner: Voss Graham

Raffle Lot #69
Advanced Squad Leader – Starter Kit #3
Donated By: Multi Man Publishing
Winner: Voss Graham

Raffle Lot #70
Donated By: AEG Games
Winner: Breck Roundtree

Raffle Lot #71
Castellan (Yellow & Green International Version)
Donated By: Steve Jackson Games
Winner: Tyler Cooke

Raffle Lot #72
Fallen City of Karez
Donated By: Golden Egg Games
Winner: Chad Ramsey

Raffle Lot #73
Sword of Rome: Conquest of Italy 362-272 BC
Donated By: Wray Ferrell (Designer)
Winner: Tracy Lankford

Raffle Lot #74
Garden Dice
Donated By: Meridae Games
Winner: The Gaddys

Raffle Lot #75
Munchkin Apocalypse
Donated By: Steve Jackson Games
Winner: Ginger Cherry

Raffle Lot #76
Eight-Minute Empire
Donated By: Red Raven
Winner: Brant Guillory

Raffle Lot #77
Pathfinder Bundle: Chronicle o/t Righteous & Demon Hunter’s Handbook)
Donated By: Paizo Publishing
Winner: Swanson

Raffle Lot #78
A Distant Plain
Donated By: GMT Games
Winner:  Ian Harris

Raffle Lot #79
Canadian Crucible
Donated By: Multi Man Publishing
Winner: Vincent Reyes

Raffle Lot #80
Gamer’s Armory – Grey Game Bag w/ Lid
Donated By: The Gamer’s Armory
Winner: James Neely, Jr.

Raffle Lot #81
Hide the Kids!
Donated By: ACD Distribution
Winner: Evan Niconienko

Raffle Lot #82
King of Tokyo
Donated By: Iello
Winner: Elizabeth Calcutt

Raffle Lot #83
Bundle: Munchkin Fu & Munchkin Fu 2 – Monky Business
Donated By: Steve Jackson Games
Winner: Stephen Barrera

Raffle Lot #84
Bundle: Munchkin Bites & Munchkin Bites 2 Pants Macabre
Donated By: Steve Jackson Games
Winner: Stephen Barrera

Raffle Lot #85
Donated By: Game Salute
Winner: Jenny Purcell

Raffle Lot #86
Bundle: The Walking Dead Board Game & Card Game
Donated By: Cryptozoic
Winner: John Koski

Raffle Lot #87
Cheeky Monkey – Stuffed Animal w/ Game inside
Donated By: Eagle/Gryphon Games
Winner: Lauren Patriss

Raffle Lot #88
Bundle: Goblins Drool Fairies Rule Game & Puzzle
Donated By: Game Salute
Winner: Todd Derr

Raffle Lot #89
Bundle: Flames of War Achtung Box Set & 2 Blister Sets
Donated By: Battlefront Miniatures
Winner: Daniel Edwards

Raffle Lot #90
Bundle: DC Deck Building Game + Promos + Playmat
Donated By: Cryptozoic
Winner: Ruth Boyack 

3rd Annual 24 hour Board Game Marathon To Benefit Turner Syndrome Society of the US DATE SET!!

It’s that time of year again! The time when all the big planning and the “Save the Date” comes out for this fantastic event.

This year’s 24 Hour Board Game Marathon will take place on Sat November 9th 2013.

The location again as in past years, will be the wonderful friendly local game store The Gamers Armory in Cary, NC.

Please stay tuned, in the near future I will have our 2013 First Giving site live and more information on how YOU can help us in raising funds and awareness for TS and how you can have a TON of fun at this year’s event!

2nd Annual Gamers For Cures 24 Hour Board Game Marathon to benefit Turner Syndrome Society of the US Recap!

All of the Marathon Players at the start of the 24 hours

On Nov 10th 2012 we had the 2nd annual Gamers For Cures 24 Hour Board Game Marathon to benefit Turner Syndrome Society of the US.

During last year’s event we managed to raise just over $7,000 for the charity. To read the write up from last year you can go HERE!

After last year we wanted to reach for the sky! We wanted to set our goal at $10,000 raised, a lofty goal no doubt. So throughout the year we, as a group, talked about Gamers For Cures to anyone who would listen. I mentioned it a ton on my podcast, The Geek Allstars and we made sure all local gamers knew of the great cause. In fact I even went out to Gen Con with a few BGG buddies of mine (Adam O, Chris Kirkman Eric Martin, and John B.) had some business cards made up for the charity to spread the word, and spoke to anyone who would listen at booths about our event. Fast forward a few months and a trillion more begging mails and handshakes, and it was finally time for this year’s events (to save you some time reading about the planning and more on the gaming/fund raising part!).

The day finally arrived. We would be gaming from 8am Sat. morning until 8am Sunday morning, at the same GREAT FLGS as last year, The Gamers Armory in Cary NC (www.gamersarmory.com). Crystal and Scott are amazing owners and really reach out to their customers and the community, not to mention run a top notch and truly Friendly, local game store. This year we had a little over 20 total pre-registered “marathon” players, whom all donated an entry fee to play for the full 24 hours, as well as a handful of players who bought “overnight passes” which did not include the full day of meals but did include access to the store for the full night of gaming. We provided some great swag bags for the marathon players as well as breakfast from NY Bagel and Deli, Cinnabon and Chik fil A , lunch from Jersey Mike’s and dinner from a great Pizza place (Primo Pizza) which is located conveniently next door.

Among some other highlights were the plethora of raffle prizes and door prizes for the big day. We had a ton of great sponsors without whom we simply could not have had a successful event. There is too many to list so I will show you a snapshot of our T-Shirt which has pretty much all of them. BUT, I do want to thank a few of them in print as well. A HUGE thanks to Eagle/Gryphon games, The God-Father himself of the event Stephen Buonocore and Stronghold Games, Fantasy Flight Games, Dice Hate ME Games, AEG, Arcane Wonders, Martin Walace and of course our friends over at Game Salute.

To sum up some of the uniqueness of our raffles is easy. We had a wall of 80 YES 80!!! Items which we had corresponding boxes numbered (1-80) to in front of them on the counter. Attendees would buy raffle tickets for 1$ each, sign them and place them in the appropriate box of the game in which they wanted to win. This way, if you see a great game you want you can stuff the box full for that one game to help your odds of winning. Naturally nothing is written in stone. I stuffed the heck out of the box for Crude and Article 27 and Crystal (who put 2 tickets in EACH) won both of them.

But alas, that was not the only raffles we had! We also had a big raffle in which the top prizes were as follows:

1. iPad 3

2. Mage Wars

3. Defenders of the Realm + Hero Expansion 2

4. MTG:from the vault—Legends

5. Dreadfleet

6. DHM Viva Java+ Geek Spansion, + Carniaval w/ Sideshow Expac

Was that all for things to win? NOPE! Not only those but we also had hourly raffle drawings FREE each hour on the hour for every single person in the store to win great door prizes.

So enough selling it as fun b/c it 1000% was a blast. What all did we do???

Well a ton of games were played through the day, and I will encourage anyone who was there to comment/reply to this with what they played and if and how much fun they had, b/c I can only comment on MY fun of the day.

This year I brought my daughter Lauren right from the get go. Lauren is an 8 year old spark-plug and is the main inspiration for the event. She has been diagnosed with Turner Syndrome now for nearly 3 years and has been doing great since being able to start treatment with thyroid meds and daily HGH shots. (For some great info on TS please visit turnersyndrome.org) It was her big desire to play in the full 24 hours of the event this year. So we got started with some great new card games from Stronghold Games.

Lauren and Ruth playing Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom

Four of us played a full game of Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom and a full game of Lil’ Devils. She seemed to love Dr. Gloom more than Lil’ Devils, where as I enjoyed Lil’ Devils more myself. They are both quite fun little filler type card games but there just seems to be a bit more substance to Devils then Dr. Gloom.

Once that was over it was time for our annual Ascension tourney. This year we moved the tourney to 11am which I think hurt our turnout a slight bit for it. We ended up having to use a 3 table set up with one table being light a player. Adam Reeves ended up being victorious in the tourney, but again I think we all won seeing as we got to play my favorite game Ascension!

From there I was able to help out talking to various people who were new to the store and even some who were new to gaming but happened to hear about the event in one way or another. I showed them around the store and told them about various games going on at the time. There was some old standards and favorites including Agricola, Macao, Samurai Swords/Shogun, Endeavor, Stone Age and Galaxy Trucker… Some new favorites including Ahnk Morpork, Quarriors, Fleet, Vegas, and even a 5 hour plus game of Battlestar Galactica! We even had some daytime prototypes making an appearance with Darrell Louder’s Compounded getting a nice play (so jealous I missed this one).


Some enjoyable Viva Java! (Image curt. of Dice Hate Me Games)

Before long I was longing for some more games and trying to get a work buddy of mine and my uncle (both newer gamers) into the fray. I introduced them to the 30 year old gem Can’t Stop and I could tell their excitement was building! From there I took a shot at getting them a piece of some larger scale gaming in the form of an 8 player game of Viva Java. It was about as unique the table for VJ as I had ever seen. We had completely new gamers, some fairly new gamers, some veteran gamers and even the developer (Dice Hate Me Chris) himself in on the game. One thing that was not unique was that even in what Chris described as “hands down the strangest game of Viva Java ever played”, it was an absolute BLAST for all who played it. No matter where people finished in the game we ALL loved the experience and the game, and not a better complement can be made to such a good game.

From there it was already nearly 11pm and time for the wrapping up of the dollar and big ticket raffles. Games were won throughout the day between hourly drawings and the dollar and big ticket raffles, but just about EVERYONE who either wanted to win or tried to win. I think I ended up walking away with the Thunderstone Advance Expansion, A Nightfall Expansion, Sunrise City, and a copy of Off your rocker.

Now, it was closing time for the store for the lay person, but not for us marathoners, or the people who donated to get the “overnight pass” to game with us until 8am! It was the REAL time to have some serious gaming going on!

This was the time I was looking forward to. Finally time for me to relax and to do so I got us started in a 4 player game of the upcoming Clever Mojo release Princes of The Dragon Throne. I was really looking forward to teaching this one to Adam O and Mario C and I know Chris was looking forward to getting some revenge on me for the smackdown I

Princes of The Dragon Throne… Yep it is THAT much fun. Keep your eyes out for it coming soon from Clever Mojo Games

Myself, the Mrs., Crystal and Scott from the Gamers Armory and my daughter Lauren

handed him at Gen Con this year. Well Adam O was the one laying the smack down and I took up the rear, but who cares we got to play this killer upcoming game. All four the players agreed that the game looks beautiful (ESPECIALLY for a prototype) and the game play is equally up to the task. We simply cannot wait until we can get them to take our money for this when the time comes!

Next up for me was a game of The Castles of Burgundy. Let me say that this game is one I truly LOVE. That’s usually a bad thing for me, b/c the more I love a complex game like this, the worse I am at it. Two rare things happened in this one… First I won, and somehow it was decently handily getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 270 or so points (and even somehow beating my gaming mentor/nemesis Adam O) but secondly I did so without ever getting out of the 3rd hole in turn order. No small feat, any one of those.

To wrap up the night, the current “in country” hosts of The Geek Allstars Podcast (myself, Adam O, and Red since Gyroplay is currently in Antarctica… and no that’s not a joke or metaphor for someplace else), along with our many time guest host Chris K, and finally Ruth B, sat down for a not so friendly game of Vannuatu. Dear lord is that game cut-throat. One thing is for sure when you play it, you need to make sure what happens in Vannuatu, stays in Vannuatu. It had us cursing at each other after 23 hours of gaming together and ready to throw wooden bits into each others eyes! Of course it was all in good hilarious fun, especially watching Red draw turtles completely screwing Chris over at  the same time… ahh screw your neighbor gaming fun!

And Just like that the day was over. We had played and ran an amazing and successful  2nd annual 24 hour BG Marathon for Charity. The numbers are still being tabulated for exact amounts BUT we already know we managed to raise over $8,000 for Turner Syndrome Society of the US!! I know I was and am still tired from being up so long, but I simply cannot wait for next year!!!

Can we do it 25 hours next year??? Only time will tell! Stay tuned and thanks for all of your support!


More details about the 24 Hour Board Game Marathon!

Our goal for 2012 is $10,000.00!! 

On November 10, 2012, the Gamers for Cures and The Gamer’s Armory we will be hosting the 2nd Annual 24 Hour Board Game Marathon
to benefit the Turner Syndrome Society at The Gamer’s Armory in Cary, NC!  

Doors will open at 8:00 am on November 10, 2012 and gaming will continue for 24 hours.  

In addition to offering limited spots for 24 hour gaming,
The Gamer’s Armory will also be hosting various Events throughout the day
that anyone can participate in so stay tuned for more updates
if you are interested in being a part of it!

If you are interested in participating as a 24 Hour Board Game
Marathon Player, please stop by the Store
to complete a Pre-Registration form or e-mail 
crystal@gamersarmory.com to have one e-mailed to you!

If you would like to support us by making a donation to help benefit the
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States, please visit http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/gamersforcures/2ndannual24hourboardgamemarathontobenefit
or you can make donations directly through the donate button on the http://www.turnersyndrome.org/

Donating through the website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support fundraising efforts. 
All donations and any support would be greatly appreciated! 
Please be sure to pass this along to anyone who you think might be interested in participating or making a donation to support the Event or the
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States!

If you are interested in donating new games to be used for the 24 Hour Marathon Raffles, please drop them off at The Gamer’s Armory!

Thanks for helping us spread awareness about Turner Syndrome!! 

 Thank you for your support!  

24 Hour Board Game Marathon
Game Day Donation Packages

Everyone is welcome to attend, play games and
purchase Raffle Tickets but those who register for
the special Game Day Donation Packages listed
below will receive the following:

Package #1 is a $10.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
1 FREE Game Day Raffle Ticket

Package #2 is a $20.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
2 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets

Package #3 is a $30.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
3 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets

Package #4 is a $40.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
4 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets

Package #5 is a $50.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
5 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets
Late Night Game Pass
**This Package is limited as we will only allow a maximum number of Players for the overnight Event!!

Marathon Player Package is a $100.00 Donation:
FREE T-Shirt
5 FREE Game Day Raffle Tickets
Game Day Grab Bag w/ assorted freebies!
FREE Breakfast, Lunch & Donner!
**This Package is limited to the first 30 Players to sign up!!

**The $50.00 Late Night Game Pass will give
you access to the Store after hours
(until 8:00 am on Sunday, November 11th)
for a night of gaming!!

Big Ticket Raffle Information

Big Ticket Raffle Tickets will be available soon for purchase at the Front Register!

Big Ticket Raffle Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00 – CASH OR CREDIT!!

The drawing will take place at 10:00 pm on
Saturday, November 10th during the
24 Hour Board Game Marathon at
The Gamer’s Armory in Cary, NC.

You DO NOT have to be present to win!!

1st Place: iPad 3
2nd Place: Mage Wars Board Game
3rd Place: Defenders of the Realm Base Game + Hero Expansion #2
4th Place: Magic: The Gathering – From the Vault – Legends
5th Place: Dreadfleet
6th Place:
Dice Hate Me Games’ VivaJava: The Coffee Game with Geekspansion & Carnival with Slideshow Expansion

Game Day Raffle Tickets
Game Day Door Prize Drawing Information

Game Day Raffle Tickets will be available for
purchase through 9:30 pm on Saturday, November 10th!!

Game Day Raffle Tickets are $1.00 each – CASH OR CREDIT!!

Game Day Raffle Items will be on display behind the
Front Register!  You may purchase as many tickets as
you’d like and insert them in any box or boxes for the prizes
you’d like to try to win!!
**FREE Tickets are available with Game Day Donation Packages as well!

The winners will be announced between 10:30 and 11:00 pm! 

You DO NOT have to be present to win!!

**See picture below for a snapshot of some of the items that will be available
in the Game Day Raffles or see further below for a list!!

Netrunner The Card Game
Star Trek Catan (German Version)
Thunderstone Advance Towers of Ruin
Advanced Starter Kit #1
Advanced Starter Kit #2
Advanced Starter Kit #3
1812 The Invasion of Canada
Here I Stand
Paths of Glory
Sword of Rome
Bounding Fire Duo (Operation Cobra & Beyond the Beachhead 2)
LeFranc Tieur Bundle (From the Cellar #6 & #7 & LeFranc Tieur #12)
LeFranc Tieur Bundle (From the Cellar #7 & $50.00 Coupon)
King Phillips War
Iron Kingdoms RPG Hardcover Rulebook w/ Signatures
Warmachine Colossals Hardcover Rulebook w/ Signatures
Designer & Dragons – a History of the Roleplaying Game Industry
Nightfall The Coldest War
Heap & Infernal Contraption Duo Bundle
Panzer General Russion Assault, a WWII Board Game
Warmachine/Hordes Model Bundle (Trollbloods – Dire Troll Marker & Mercenaries Fiona the Black – Metal Models)
Locke & Key, The Game
Discworld Arkh-Morpork
I’m the Boss!
American Muscle Challenge
Divided Republic
Legacy – Gears of Time
Summoner Wars Master Set
The Swarm
Duel of the Giants
Battle of the Pyramids
Mech Warrior – Age of Destruction Starter Set
Ticket to Ride + Alvin & Dexter Expansion
World of Warcraft Bundle
Railways of the World the Card Game
Factory Fun
Terra Prime
Empires – Builder Expansion
What’s My Word?
Card Game Bundle (Yin Yang, Swat! & Marvel Super Hero Squad TCG)
Dragon Dice – 2 Player Starter Set
Compact Heroes RPCG Master Set
MTG – A Planeswalker’s Guide to Alara Novel
MTG – Magic Celebration Standee
MTG – Magic the Gathering 2012 Vinyl Poster – Planeswalkers
Descent: Journeys in the Dark
Battles of Westeros – A Battle Lore Game Core Set
A Game of Thrones – The Board Game 

 Game Day Door Prize Drawings/Giveways will be
given out every hour throughout the day starting at 11:00 am

No purchase necessary!!

Anyone present in the Store at drawing time will
receive a FREE Ticket for a chance to win!

Every hour we will give FREE Door Prize tickets
to everyone in the Store
and give a way of couple of prizes!

**You must be present to win!!

Catan Scenarios – Oil Springs
Catan Water Bottles
World of Warcraft Starter Decks x 3
Cookie Fu Fortune Deck x 2
Le Bomb
Dark Knight HeroClix
Cookie Fu Booster Packs
Ulta Pro Deck Boxes x 2
Dominion – Governor Promo Cards
Dominion – Walled Village Promo Cards
Dungeon Crawl Classics x 2
Dungeons & Dragons – Dead in the Eye x 2
Pathfinder – Dawn of the Scarlet Sun x 2
Carcassone Tiles
Wild Blood Softcover Novel
Catan Coffee Mug
The M16 Softcover Book – Osprey
St. Mihiel 1918 Softcover Book – Osprey
Aichi 99 Kanbaku “Val” Units 1937-1942 Softcover Book – Osprey
Walther Model Softcover Book – Osprey
Counter Collection Digital
My Word!
Elemental Clash Starter Deck
Raiding Parties Card Game
Jump the Shark
Let’s take a Hike
Ying Yang
Marvel Super Hero Squad TCG
Little Devils
Caveman Curling
Pokemon Undaunted Decks

During the Event we will have a Bake Sale!!

All items will be $1.00 each and ALL proceeds
will be donated to the Turner Syndrome Society!

If you are interested in baking items to donate
for the Bake Sale, please e-mail