6th Annual event date is Nov 12th 2016 and First Giving Site is now live!

It always gets here quicker then any of us realizes and this year is no different.

The 2016 date for Gamers for Cures 24 hour Board Game Marathon for Turner Syndrome Society of US/NC will be Sat Nov 12th 2016. As in the past we are happy to be holding the event at The Gamer’s Armory in Cary NC!

The 2016 First Giving site has now been activated for donations and we will be getting more info out on how you can be a part of this great event in the coming weeks.

The Link to donate is HERE. And it’s also located above.

Just in case you don’t know what our event is like from a participant’s point of view I wanted to post a couple of testimonials from two recent attendees.

Thanks for your continued support and interest in our event and please stay tuned to this site for more info in the coming weeks.


The First comes from long time supporter Chris M.

This was my second year participating in the 24 hour board game marathon.  Last year I signed up because I had been listening to The Geek Allstars podcast and Dan seemed like a nice guy.  The charity event was a good excuse to play a bunch of board games and meet a bunch of people with common interests. What I didn’t anticipate was how much of an impact it would have on me in the coming year. I met some of the nicest people I have ever met (and Linus) last year and have been playing games with them as regularly as I can since then. I started pitching in writing some of the show notes for The Geek Allstars and State of Games podcasts and then started writing all of the show notes for both shows. I started following some of these knuckleheads on Twitter and attended my first convention (Who’s Turn Is It Anyway?) in February where I gave Adam O’Brien the weakest hug I have ever given anyone for turning me on to La Fin Du Monde.  Adam, I really need to give you a full on bear hug for that.  Anyway, what I am trying to say is that the event was a catalyst for allowing me to connect with people and enjoy the board game hobby in a way I had not experienced before.  I know this has nothing to do with the charity but it is one of the side benefits for those of us who participate.  The fact that Dan’s daughter, Lauren, has Turner Syndrome and I can contribute in a small way to her and other women with Turner Syndrome makes it all the more meaningful.  I will be signing up every year for this event and will continue to do my small part in raising money for the Turner Syndrome Society..


The Second one we have… well just also happens to be from another, different, Chris M!


Hello, my name is Chris and I was a Marathon gamer.
This was my first year as a Marathon gamer and I really didn’t know what to expect. I’m relatively new to the hobby of board gaming and don’t have a very big collection. I don’t have a regular gaming group. I came into the Marathon blind and alone(meaning I didn’t bring anyone with me). I was a bit apprehensive standing in the long line of people chatting with each other on a rainy Saturday morning at 7:45 AM.
Then I got inside.
I saw a face I recognized.
I was introduced to some other people.
We played my first game of the Marathon.
That first game was the ice breaker into the rest of the Marathon for me.
At 7:45 AM Saturday I didn’t know anyone. 8:00 AM Sunday I had played a bunch of great games I have never played before. I had met a ton of awesome people and some new friends. I had an amazing time!
Thanks Scott, from The Gamer’s Armory, for giving us a place to have the event. Thank you to Dan for organizing, hosting, and all the time you put in finding all the sponsors and donors; awesome job! Thank you to all the awesome sponsors and donors! The 24 Hour Marathon was an awesome experience and a very well run event. It’s awesome to see so many people coming together for a good cause, even if it seems like all we are doing is playing games!
To those reading this who might be not be sure about being a Marathon gamer: go for it. You won’t regret it. The community here is an awesome one!
When I wrote my opening statement I thought it sounded like something you might hear at an addiction meeting. Then I thought about it and that was really fitting. After I got home at about 8:30 on Sunday I sat down and said to myself “I can’t wait for next year!”. I’m excited about the next Marathon and 2016 can’t come quick enough! I think it’s appropriate to say I’m addicted to the Marathon.
My name is Chris, and I was a Marathon gamer!


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