Meeple Balance Challenge #MeepleGFC2015

So this year we are going to do a Meeple Balance 2015, sponsored by Meeple Source, for a nice early head start to the fund raising for Gamers for Cures. People take pics of themselves balancing meeples on their nose their finger their hat, a table etc., then go to the Gamers for Cures First Giving and make a donation.  After that be sure to challenge others to do the same!

Make sure to use #MeepleGFC2015, as well as get our sponsor of the Challenge, @meeplesource in the tweet and at the end of the contest period we will be giving away $25 to Meeple Source!! We will give it away on 9-13-15.

Don’t forget to use this link to like people to the First Giving site for donations and be sure to put in the subject note in the donation MeepleBalance.
Hopefully people will take a pic, make a donation and challenge others. All for the fun of charity!

So start challenging today!


A wonderful example of meeplebalance in action!

From @jjayess1

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